Every workplace

needs a dyslexic or ten.

Problem solver. Lateral thinker. Emotionally intelligent.
Creative. Intuitive. Empathic.

People with dyslexia have the kind of strengths that help an organisation be more dynamic, innovative and forward-thinking. All it takes, with the help of HR and DEI, is the support our workplace programs provide. That’s the advantage of doing things differently.

Illustrated group of people

Our research tells a story

Did you know dyslexics make up the largest neurodivergent group?


Of Australians have dyslexia


Aren't disagnoised until adulthood


Are underemployed


Don't feel psychologically safe to disclouse



Latest news 

Some companies we have worked with:


Thank you so much for your session on Monday, honestly it was so informative, I had really positive feedback from lots of people afterwards. You made it interesting and relatable! I’ve sent the extra resources you sent over out internally too.

Emily Walker​, Senior Development Manager
Octopus Investments Australia

Shae and Dear Dyslexic were engaged through my employer to conduct a Workplace Assessment Report after I disclosed myself as dyslexic to my employer. The aim of the report for my employer and myself was to clearly outline my strengths and weakness within my role which may be impacted by my dyslexia, as well as outlining a variety of reasonable adjustments which could help to assist me within my day-to-day work tasks. I found the overall experience both enjoyable and enlightening, with Shae putting my mind at ease straight away as to why the assessment would involve and the structure of the report produced. The produced Workplace Assessment Report has helped both my managers and myself reassess some of daily work tasks, as well as hopefully informing my employer and manager regarding the potential need for reasonable adjustments for other employees in the future.

Ashley, client


"We greatly appreciated hearing from Shae's lived experience and the courage with which she shares her story. Her vulnerability created the space for others to share their experiences as individuals, family members and parents of those with dyslexia and other neurodiverse needs and there’s been increased engagement with our Inclusion Committee after listening to the talk."

Kimberly Coleman, Corporate Social Responsibility

ADP Consulting

Dear Shae, Thank you for presenting your research to the Murdoch Children's Research Institute as part of our International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) celebration on 04 December 2023. Your presentation titled "Working together to make the world better and fairer for people with disability: understanding dyslexia, a hidden disability in the workplace" fitted in perfectly with the brief associated with the seminar focus (disability in the workplace). Even though I already had some understanding of your work, it was fascinating to listen to. The beautiful and thoughtful presentation helped to communicate around this important topic, and your generosity in sharing your personal journey and research shone through. Since the seminar, we have also had some lovely feedback on the panel conversation that followed your presentation. Thank you once more for taking time out of your busy schedule to join this event. We look forward to seeing the impact of your work into the future.

Dr Kylie Crompton, Chair, Accessibility Working Group, Research Officer

Murdoch Children’s Research Institute

“Shae’s webinar on dyslexia in our 2023 EMCC APR DEI conference ‘Being, Belonging and Becoming’ was a rich addition to our programme that included coaches, senior coaches, mentors and HR leaders to understand learning difficulty such as dyslexia and ways to understand, support and be allies to friends and colleagues that go through a lifelong learning difficulty. It was an eye-opening exercise for us, especially in Asia Pacific region which is so diverse and adding to the complexity is the client base we have is diverse.To give an example, my client is based in Africa and works for an Australia based organisation. Although she speaks fluent English, yet has difficulty in writing reports and other written material. She goes through considerable amount of stress because of that reason and at one time mentioned dyslexia. Shae’s webinar was very informative and I was directly able to share some of her information materials as well as video and podcast link, to be of help to my client. Thank you Shae for bringing such an important and huge topic to our forum and giving us some insights into the world of dyslexia sufferers. Because of your research and workshop we were able to live the life of a dyslexic individual, see the world through their eyes and become more empathetic towards colleagues and friends who go through such difficult life process. The workshop has helped us change our narrative from being confused observers to understanding, sympathetic and accepting of learning diversities and appreciate the individual strengths that each team member brings that is outside the norm and yet a brilliant addition to our diverse world.”

Anindita Das, EMCC APR DEI 2023 Beijing conference facilitator and participant

I had the pleasure of selecting Shae Marie Wissell to be a guest speaker for a recent conscious inclusion training session run by AcademyGlobal for staff from a NSW Government Department. It was a delight to work with Shae on the preparation for this session. She rapidly understood the Department’s needs and created a presentation with relevant examples that resonated with the audience. During the session, Shae articulately outlined the many facets of neurodiversity and their interconnectivity. She integrated her extensive research of dyslexia in adult workplace, with her lived experiences of dyslexia and dysgraphia through personal stories. The audience highly valued the insight Shae provided on the challenges faced, and the types of considerations necessary to empower neurodiverse individuals to thrive in society and in the workplace. Most importantly, she highlighted the benefits of embracing the unique skills that neurodiverse individuals contribute. She powerfully discussed these areas within the workplace context, as well as their impact on the Department’s customers. I would highly recommend Shae to design and deliver workplace programs on inclusion and neurodiversity. She would be a valuable consultant to work with your organisation to develop strategies to support your customers and employees, as well as unlock the power of the neurodiverse perspectives and skills

Fiona Maggs Principal Facilitator / Trainer AcademyGlobal

Dear Shae, I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude for your outstanding presentation at the Learning Conference, workshop, Understanding and Supporting Dyslexic students in the Classroom and Beyond, an interactive session co-developed by Dr Judith Hudson and facilitated by yourself, was truly inspiring and left a lasting impression on attendees providing a great framework for us to continue to build on engagement and inclusivity at WCC. You encouraged us to think about how to better include and engage all students. Your insights and strategies will undoubtedly help us to create more engaged and inclusive classrooms and to better support our diverse student population. Your presentation was both informative and motivating, and I know that many of us left the workshop feeling inspired and empowered to make positive changes in our teaching practice. I want to personally thank you for your contributions to the conference and for your dedication to helping educators become more effective in their work. Your presentation was a highly valued, and we are all grateful for the time and effort you put into preparing and delivering such an insightful workshop. Once again, thank you for your inspiring presentation. I look forward to applying the strategies you shared and continuing to learn from your expertise in the future.

Ms Connie Faranda, Assistant Principal, Wyndham Central College

"This week also included International Day of People with Disability. Thank you to our Disability and Wellness Network for organising a fantastic panel event on this day recognised around the world to increase awareness, understanding and acceptance of people with a disability and celebrate their achievements and contributions. I was struck by the courage of the guest speaker Shae Wissell from the Dear Dyslexic Foundation who shared her personal story about their experiences in the workplace and tips on how to be more inclusive of colleagues with a disability".

Secretary Dr Heather Smith PSM
Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Canberra

I just wanted to reach out to you because I honestly feel that if it wasn’t for our sessions, I wouldn't have had the belief that I could complete a Master’s degree. I joined so many dyslexic community pages for resources for myself. I then had the privilege to meet you. Up until that point, I didn’t know anyone with dyslexia who was in academia. Talking to you and hearing all that you had achieved, and the strategies we discussed allowed and motivate me to pursue my master's. I can say I have officially completed my master’s degree and now working as an accredited exercise physiologist! I just wanted to say thank you. You really inspired me and instilled belief in me and those words of ‘Your superpower might be resilience and persistence’ have since stuck with me and always will. Thank you for not only inspiring myself but other dyslexics. I wish I had someone like you advocating for me from primary school.

Michael Eleftheriadis

"Thanks so much for your invaluable advice through the BV mentoring program. Your knowledge and understanding of the not-for profit sector and a small community organisation like ours has been so beneficial. We now have many practical, relevant and achievable tasks and goals thanks to your expertise. I am so grateful that they matched us with you as a mentor! "

Bright Food Co-op

Shae was an absolute inspiration to us as she shared her insights into how ADHD, autism and dyslexia may best be managed in a 'nuro-spicy' office environment. For some in the office, her trauma-informed/ inclusive considerations meant very quickly she offered the fidgeters in the room something to fidget with and allowed interruptions and different tangents be drawn throughout her well-researched presentation, walking-the-talk!

Erin Ender

Good Brew Co