
Our Australian first dyslexia research with La Trobe University

Creating research that can be translated into evidence-informed practices that create workplace and policy change.

re:think dyslexia is an organisation focused on using evidence-based research to inform its work. That’s why we have partnered with La Trobe University to conduct research on the experiences of people with dyslexia. This research enables re:think dyslexia to develop and deliver programs that create inclusive and supportive environments.

What our research tells us so far…

The findings from this first-of-its-kind study in Australia indicate that people with dyslexia face significant challenges as they transition into adulthood across a broad range of areas, including difficulty accessing diagnosis and interventions, relationships, educational attainment, and employment. These challenges can negatively affect us and impact on our social and emotional well-being.

re:think dyslexia is committed to being a global leader in this area and to delivering services that improve outcomes for dyslexics so they can live healthier, happier, more connected lives.

Our published research with La Trobe University

Research Stories videos

There has never been a more important time to feel connected and supported which is why we have started a new series supporting our mental health and wellbeing.