re:think NeuroInclusion Program

Every workplace

needs a dyslexic or ten.

Problem solver. Lateral thinker. Emotionally intelligent.
Creative. Intuitive. Empathic.

 re:think NeuroInclusion in the Workplace: 

From individual to industry.

From employee to employer.

From worker to workplace.

Our re:think Inclusion Program benefits everyone.


Busy Managers, CEOs, and Directors often hesitate to embrace neurodivergence due to concerns about complexity and the additional effort required to adapt to workplace environments. The challenge of managing workloads and team dynamics alongside the desire to get the job done” can make the integration of neurodivergent individuals seem like a daunting, costly, time-intensive task, leading many to place it in the “too hard basket.

Dyslexic people and other neurodivergents often view and interact with the world in ways that differ from the norm. Most employers don’t realise that neurodivergents are typically problem solvers, lateral thinkers, creative, intuitive, and empathetic. These qualities bring diverse thinking and workstyles to the workplace, making them both more dynamic and inventive. When supported in the workplace this can lead to increased productivity and better business outcomes.

Many highly successful people are dyslexics, Chief Scientist Catherine Foley, logistics magnet Linsey Fox and solo sailor Jessica Watson. All great examples of the value of doing things differently.

The problem is real, but the solution is simpler than you think.

We at re:think dyslexia are here to help you take three very simple steps to make a meaningful difference without adding stress or workload.

Here’s how it works:

Step One: Be Aware, Understand, and Rethink

This first step is all about bringing your business and team up to speed with what it means to work with neurodivergent team members by engaging with re:think dyslexia’s team of leading experts in neurodivergent support.

Understanding the statistics is crucial: at least 20% of people in the workplace are neurodivergent, and dyslexics make up 10% of this population. Over 43% do not feel safe enough to disclose their difficulties. This lack of awareness means that your organisation might not be fully benefiting from the talents and abilities within your workforce.

At re:think dyslexia, we engage with key stakeholders in your workplace—management, HR, IT and individual neurodivergent employees—to identify both challenges and opportunities. Our approach ensures that your organisation not only embraces diversity but also fully benefits from the unique talents of your neurodivergent workforce.

Step Two: Education, Implementation, and Success

Pick your package

The second step involves deeper engagement through education and implementation. This step is about matching required tasks with the strengths of your neurodivergent employees and their teams, rethinking how tasks can be achieved in new and innovative ways.

Package 1

We work with your neurodivergent employees. One-on-One learning and development support. Up to 5 hours.

Package 2

One-on-one learning and development support for neurodivergent employees and Neurodivergence training.

We will help your team recognise the strengths of neurodivergent individuals and identify where support is needed. You’ll learn to rethink your strategies for maximising team potential and implement simple, effective support methods that boost productivity and creativity for everyone.

Step 3: Financial investment

Tap into Government Funding

This process is not just about achieving quick wins but also laying the groundwork for long-term success. With the support of government funding via the JobAccess through the Employment Assistance Fund (EAF), the financial investment required for this transformation is covered, ensuring that stress-free change management is within reach.

re:think dyslexia completes the funding application for JobAccess, so you don’t have to do any heavy lifting. Fee: $330.00, non-refundable.

Package 1: $1,610.00 (inc GST), $1610.00 reimbursed by JobAccess

Package 2: $3,220.00 (inc GST), $3220.00 reimbursed by JobAccess

Leveraging the talents of neurodivergent employees in your workplace has never been easier , creating a working environment where everyone thrives. It works for everyone.

Partner with re:think dyslexia, the leading experts in neurodiversity, and unlock the hidden potential within your team.


re:think partners: Companies leading the way with us:

  • Hampton Park Community House
  • NeuroRehab Alliedhealth Network
  • South Australian Government
  • GoodBrew Co
  • Australian Spatial Analytics
  • Melba Support Services
  • Queensland Treasury
  • Treasury Wineries
  • Lake Macquarie
  • HOTA House of The Arts, Experience Gold Coast

Remember, it’s all about doing things differently—and with re:think dyslexia, it’s easier than you think.

Contact us today to find out more on 1800 13 NEAP (6327).

Schedule a 15 minute free consultation to find out more today


From the outset it was clear that Shae is passionate about educating people about dyslexia and how to make our environment more inclusive so that all students can succeed. Shae’s presentations were informed by research and her own experiences which made our time together more authentic. The staff were engaged the whole time and the feedback was very positive about how practical the information/ strategies suggested were. Very worthwhile PL.."

Shane Fuller
Assistant Principal, Elizabeth College, Hobart

"Thank you so much for your session on Monday, honestly it was so informative, I had really positive feedback from lots of people afterwards. You made it interesting and relatable! I’ve sent the extra resources you sent over out internally too"

Emily Walker​
Octopus Investments Australia