Workplace Consultancy

We are here to create inclusive environments that enable adults with dyslexia to live healthier, happier and more connected lives. Our mission is to help the world to better understand, value and support dyslexics.

Did you know that 10% of Australian employees are dyslexic?

 One in ten Australian workers requires additional support in their daily tasks, and it’s crucial for businesses to be prepared to meet these challenges. Does your business have the skills to support them?

The dyslexic community, making up 50% of the neurodivergent population, is often neglected in the workplace. But with our comprehensive, tailored consultancy services, your business can become equipped to meet the needs of all employees.

We conduct evidence-based Australian research and use the results to deliver the most effective solutions for your business. Our team will work with you to determine the best approach and create a customized plan to suit your unique needs.

Our consultancy program consists of a range of benefits, including a speedy consulting session, a customised roadmap to inclusion, workplace resources, tailored workplace policies and procedures, access to government funding initiatives, an action plan to reduce legal risk, improved recruitment practices, and enhanced onboarding and retention practices.

Transform your organisation’s success by harnessing the power of neurodiversity. By empowering your staff and managers to view differences as assets, you’ll enhance team relationships, improve your products and services, and strengthen customer connections.

With our consultancy services, you can create a more inclusive and supportive workplace for all employees, including those with dyslexia. To support this we use a reverse-engineered personality profiling system B.A.N.K™ which is scientifically proven to be accurate in assessing a person’s values. In combination with our training, B.A.N.K™ can help you the employer and the manager better understand your dyslexic employees’ communication, cognitive and learning styles. By knowing your dyslexic employees’ specific strengths, weaknesses, and motivations you will be able to create more inclusives working environments that supports dyslexic employees to reach their full potential. This is valuable in understanding people with dyslexia and helping dyslexics have a better understanding of others.  This is a simplified quiz that takes 90 seconds compared to other personality tests that are lengthy and difficult to read.

Here is a sample of some of Shae’s recent work. Shae partnered with Frazer Jones who hosted a panel discussion with Angela FranksSally Close and Katrina North about dyslexia in the workplace and ways we can better support dyslexic employees.


If you would like a free report on your values then crack your code below.

Sign up and download your free workplace checklist to assess how neurodivergent friendly your organisation is.

Schedule a 15 minute free consultation to find out more today


From the outset it was clear that Shae is passionate about educating people about dyslexia and how to make our environment more inclusive so that all students can succeed. Shae’s presentations were informed by research and her own experiences which made our time together more authentic. The staff were engaged the whole time and the feedback was very positive about how practical the information/ strategies suggested were. Very worthwhile PL.."

Shane Fuller
Assistant Principal, Elizabeth College, Hobart

"Thank you so much for your session on Monday, honestly it was so informative, I had really positive feedback from lots of people afterwards. You made it interesting and relatable! I’ve sent the extra resources you sent over out internally too"

Emily Walker​
Octopus Investments Australia