Why Self-Care is my word of the year: Neurodivergent Entrepreneurs
Self-Care for Neurodivergent Entrepreneurs

Why Self-Care is my word for the year!

Why it’s so important for Neurodivergent Entrepreneurs

Okay, so my word for 2023 is Self-Care! Usually, I don’t have a word of the year but this year it was important to me to prioritise self-care, especially after losing my mum and so I made it my word. I made it my word so I would stick to the task of taking care of myself!

As a neurodivergent entrepreneur, I think it’s especially important that we take the time to think about and reflect on our self-care needs and how we can meet these. We have seen neurodivergent entrepreneurs are making incredible strides in the business world, building successful companies, and contributing to the economy in significant ways. However, the path to success can be challenging, with unique obstacles to overcome. One important aspect of achieving success as a neurodivergent entrepreneur is taking care of ourselves, both personally and professionally. In this blog, we will explore the importance of self-care for neurodivergent entrepreneurs and offer some tips for taking care of oneself while building a business.

Entrepreneurship is a challenging and often stressful career path, requiring long hours, high levels of responsibility, and constant decision-making. For neurodivergent entrepreneurs, these challenges can be magnified, as they may struggle with communication, time management, and other skills that are critical for success. This can lead to burnout, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.

Self-help can be an important aspect of managing neurodiversity, as it allows us to take control of our well-being and develop coping strategies that work for us. Here are a few ways that self-help can help us as neurodivergent entrepreneurs:

Establishing a Routine: Neurodivergent individuals often struggle with time management and may benefit from establishing a routine. This can help us stay organised and reduce stress.

Engaging in Activities that Bring Joy: Engaging in activities that bring joy can be a powerful form of self-care. This can include anything from listening to podcasts to practising a hobby or spending time with loved ones.

Getting Enough Sleep: Now this is a non-negotiable for me, I need sleep and lots of it! We know sleep is essential for both physical and mental health. Neurodivergent individuals may have difficulty sleeping due to anxiety or sensory issues, so it is important to establish a bedtime routine that promotes relaxation.

Taking Breaks: I find this one challenging as I get so in the zone that I get lost in my work. Taking breaks throughout the day can help reduce stress and improve productivity. This can be as simple as taking a short walk or practising deep breathing exercises.

Understanding and Acceptance: When we can understand and accept our differences, this can empower us and improve our self-esteem. Learning more about our neurodiversity and the challenges that come with it, can help us develop a better understanding of our needs and develop effective coping strategies.

Stress Management: My favourite way to destress is to have a massage! But with a toddler, this is not so easy anymore. other ways that help me to distress include mindfulness meditation, deep breathing, and exercise. Any of these can strategies have been shown to be effective for managing stress and anxiety. For neurodivergent individuals like us who are more prone to stress or sensory overload, these techniques can be especially helpful for promoting relaxation and reducing overwhelm.

Building Support Networks: Neurodivergent individuals may benefit from building supportive networks of friends, family, or peers who can offer understanding and encouragement. Self-help techniques such as joining support groups or online communities can be helpful for building these networks and finding a sense of belonging.

Seeking Professional Help: If you have read my book, or listened to my podcasts you know I am always talking about the need for professional support, such as therapy or coaching, which can be an effective way to manage stress and build resilience. It is important to find a professional who understands neurodiversity and can provide specialized support.

Self-care is critical for us as neurodivergent entrepreneurs, work colleagues and family members, to maintain our physical and mental health and avoid burnout. By taking care of ourselves, we are better equipped to navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship and leverage our unique strengths and perspectives to achieve success.

If this blog resonated with you and you need some business support, why not book a free exploration session and see how I can help you put strategies in place to support you and the work you do.

There are also a number of resources at re:think dyslexia for adults including more blogs, podcasts, videos and much more. You can also join our closed Facebook group if you are looking for some peer support. Find out more at re:think dyslexia



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