Strengthening Difference: Supporting young dyslexics transitioning into the workplace
re:think dyslexoa secondary school workshops

Transform barriers into bridges for young people with Dyslexia, addressing stigma creating opportunities and fostering an environment where their unique abilities are recognised and valued in the workplace.

Had a fantastic chat with VicLLENs – Victorian Local Learning and Employment Networks about empowering young people with dyslexia in their journey into the workplace. Here’s a sneak peek of our discussion.

Reach out to explore how we can collaborate to welcome and support young individuals with dyslexia and other neurodivergences into your workplace. Let’s make inclusion a reality!




    Join our Dear Dyslexic on Facebook Community for young people and adults. The aim of this group is to provide peer support, information, resources and to bring together adults with dyslexia, and those who support them, whether it be partners, family and friends, employers, higher education and adult educators, researchers or health professionals.  We are here to talk about all thing’s dyslexia!