Neurodivergent Outplacement Services

We are here to create inclusive environments that enable adults with dyslexia to live healthier, happier and more connected lives. Our mission is to help the world to better understand, value and support dyslexics.

Neurodivergent Outplacement

You don’t have to go it alone.

Woman speaking to man online group membership program

Lead the Change

In the contemporary corporate landscape, it is becoming increasingly evident to organisations the importance of embracing diversity and fostering an inclusive work environment. A crucial facet of this involves extending support to neurodivergent employees, who may present with conditions such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, or other neurodivergences. Tailored outplacement services specifically designed for neurodivergent individuals play a pivotal role in ensuring that these employees receive the necessary support when navigating job transitions or organisational transformations.

Understanding Neurodivergence:

Neurodivergence refers to the natural variation in human brain function and behaviour, which includes a range of cognitive differences such as dyslexia, autism attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and more. 20% of the workforce is made up of those who have a neurodivergence with dyslexics making up the largest percentage at 10%!

Neurodivergent differences can impact how individuals think, learn, and interact in and out of the workplace. While neurodivergent individuals bring unique strengths and perspectives to the workplace, they may also face specific challenges that require targeted support and additional complexities that neurodivergent employees face.

How we help

Our neuroaffirming tailored services support employers and neurodivergent employees to navigate the changing workplace landscape delivery in three parts across 10 sessions delivered online or face-to-face (location dependent) 

Workplace coaching

  • HBDI Whole Brain Thinking Assessment – understanding self and others cognitive diversity and thinking preferences, strengths and frustrations, growth mindset, communication and teamwork
  • Individual Work Preferences Assessment – physical and emotional well-being working within a strength-based growth mindset framework
  • Behavioral Interviewing and StorytellingBehavioral Interviewing and Storytelling
  • The modern workplace creates psychological safety- appropriate behaviours, managing expectations, and application of above and below-the-line constructive feedback and communication model.
  • Performance management support

Workplace accommodations and skills development

  • Learning and development support one-to-one designed to cater to the unique needs of neurodivergent employees.
  • Strategies to manage day-to-day workplace activities
  • Increase understanding of your neurodivergence
  • Improving self-advocacy skills
  • Utilising AI to your advantage in the workplace

Preparing for and transitioning into a new role

  • Coaching for interview success – tailoring resume and cover letter to new employment opportunities, behavioural interviewing techniques focused on strengths
  • A written career profile report and psychometric assessment showing potential occupations and strengths
  • A CV (crafted by a professional resume writer)
  • Multi-faceted Action Plan designed to ensure a highly effective job search process
  • Receive regular job opening notifications that the consultant has identified
  • Supporting job application procedures, including cover letters, selection criteria  and online job applications
  • Editing support and utilising AI to your advantage 

Outplacement services for neurodivergent employees are essential for ensuring that these individuals receive the tailored support they need during career transitions. By focusing on their unique strengths and addressing specific challenges, these services can help neurodivergent individuals find fulfilling employment and continue to contribute their valuable perspectives to the workforce. For organisations, providing such support underscores a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, fostering a more supportive and innovative workplace.

Contact us for more information at

    Schedule a 30 minute exploration consultation to find out more


    I just wanted to reach out to you because I honestly feel that if it wasn’t for our sessions, I wouldn't have had the belief that I could complete a Master’s degree. I joined so many dyslexic community pages for resources for myself. I then had the privilege to meet you. Up until that point, I didn’t know anyone with dyslexia who was in academia. Talking to you and hearing all that you had achieved, and the strategies we discussed allowed and motivate me to pursue my master's. I can say I have officially completed my master’s degree and now working as an accredited exercise physiologist! I just wanted to say thank you. You really inspired me and instilled belief in me and those words of ‘Your superpower might be resilience and persistence’ have since stuck with me and always will. Thank you for not only inspiring myself but other dyslexics. I wish I had someone like you advocating for me from primary school.

    Michael Eleftheriadis
    Coaching Client

    "Shae has been invaluable to my business and the creative and practical processes. She has made it feel achievable and given me direction in challenging times. She has felt like a dear friend in the process. Gentle, honest, and vulnerable but visionary within healthy boundaries. She knows that a business isn't just a business, from her own personal experiences. She has helped me make many big and important decisions. I know I wouldn't be where I am now without her expertise. Deepest gratitude."

    Romy Renzow
    Coaching Client: Birthspace

    "I feel very fortunate to have had Shae Wissell assigned as my mentor under the Victorian Chamber Business Recovery and Resilience Mentoring Scheme. Not only was Shae knowledgeable and helpful about almost any business topic I broached, but she was also tremendously approachable and always had something valuable and insightful to offer. After each session, Shae left me feeling inspired, motivated, and grateful (and equipped with resources)! I can’t recommend Shae enough as a compassionate, relatable, and knowledgeable coach who was genuinely invested in helping me achieve my business goals and dreams."

    Hayley Ward
    Coaching client: Proof Write

    “Shae has been a wonderful Mentor helping me to ensure my business survives following the Covid-19 Pandemic. I have learnt invaluable insights into finding ways to be resilient within the business by utilising marketing strategies and finding ways to look after myself to reduce stress levels. Thank you Shae for your brilliance! 😊”

    Tracy Visser
    Coaching client: Core Strength Health and Wellness

    "Dear Shae Thanks you for sharing your buisness wisdom and foresight with me. You have a natural ability to help. AS discussed, my latest buisness venture has put me unchartered deep waters and at times I questioned it and my own abilities thus it was refreshing to conenct with you. With your help and input I am now back in control. Thank you so much "

    John Ciccia
    Coaching client: Goodwill Choice