Dear Dyslexic Community

Welcome to the Dear Dyslexic Community. I’m Shae the founder of Dear Dyslexic and re:think dyslexia and I established this community in 2015. I established the group following a gap I found after I was diagnosed at the age of 27 with dyslexia and dysgraphia. I couldn’t find any adult only support groups for dyslexics at the time that were Australian based.
The aim of this group is to provide peer support, information, resources and to bring together adults with dyslexia, and those who support them, whether it be partners, family and friends, employers, higher education and adult educators, researchers or health professionals. We are here to talk about all thing’s dyslexia!
This is an open, safe, inclusive forum free from discrimination, but not free from spelling or grammar mistakes! A space for adults to share their lived experiences and we include and welcome people from all over the world within our group who are sharing different stories and tools that help them manage day to day.
The information and resources we share within the community are evidence-based and we are strongly aligned with current adult research. However, at times people may share personal stories, tools or techniques that may not be evidence-based. We do not edit these stories as we respect that different techniques and resources may work for different individuals but this doesn’t not mean that we at rethink dyslexia endorse them.
The resources that our members have used have helped them manage life as an adult with dyslexia, as is worth acknowledging. Adult dyslexics know that life can be tough and as they have transitioned into adulthood, many of them have lost supporters from school, TAFE or university. This group is a place that dyslexic adults can come together to share the ups and downs and normalise what it is like to be dyslexic, when we can normailse how we are feeling then our mental health and wellbeing can improve.
So let get talking and if there are things we could be doing better or differently then let us know!
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