Employer strategies to support dyslexic team members

Employer strategies to support dyslexic team members

Factsheet: Employers supporting dyslexic employees One in ten of your employees will have dyslexia and they make up 50% of the neurodivergent population. So, it is most likely you will have someone in your team with dyslexia. When dyslexic employees don’t access the...
Transitioning from secondary school into the workplace

Transitioning from secondary school into the workplace

Transitioning from secondary school into the workplace, supporting young people with dyslexia Congratulations for getting through school! You have reached a huge milestone and you should be so proud of yourself, because the path of education is not easy. As you know...
Dyslexia and Mental Health

Dyslexia and Mental Health

Dyslexia and Mental Health, looking after yourself because there is only one of you! Dyslexia is a lifelong disability and it impacts our whole life from the school years through to adulthood. It is now well known that dyslexia and other co-occurring difficulties can...
Mental health: supporting someone with dyslexia

Mental health: supporting someone with dyslexia

Mental Health and Wellbeing: Supporting someone with dyslexia    Dyslexia is a lifelong disability and it impacts across the whole lifespan from the school years through to adulthood [1]. Its is now well known that dyslexia and other co-occurring difficulties can...
Factsheet: Dyslexia and Disclosure in the workplace

Factsheet: Dyslexia and Disclosure in the workplace

Factsheet: Dyslexia and disclosure in the workplace   If you’ve been diagnosed with dyslexia as a working Australian, you might be wondering how you manage your diagnosis and your work. The decision will be different for everyone, depending on where you work,...