Dyslexia and Mental Health

Dyslexia and Mental Health

Dyslexia and Mental Health, looking after yourself because there is only one of you! Dyslexia is a lifelong disability and it impacts our whole life from the school years through to adulthood. It is now well known that dyslexia and other co-occurring difficulties can...
Mental health: supporting someone with dyslexia

Mental health: supporting someone with dyslexia

Mental Health and Wellbeing: Supporting someone with dyslexia    Dyslexia is a lifelong disability and it impacts across the whole lifespan from the school years through to adulthood [1]. Its is now well known that dyslexia and other co-occurring difficulties can...
Factsheet: Dyslexia and Disclosure in the workplace

Factsheet: Dyslexia and Disclosure in the workplace

Factsheet: Dyslexia and disclosure in the workplace   If you’ve been diagnosed with dyslexia as a working Australian, you might be wondering how you manage your diagnosis and your work. The decision will be different for everyone, depending on where you work,...